Thankful for Thanksgiving

To continue our every other year family camping tradition for Thanksgiving we decided to trek to Yosemite. Wow, long drive when you have a trailer and toddler in tow. What were we thinking with a 15 month old? Kade made it work, and entertained himself the best he could for the drive (see video below.)

It was so fun to see Kade enjoy the great outdoors, even though it was COLD. Kade would play around the campsite for 15-20 mins then return to me (huddled by the campfire) and just look at me with a look that said, "Momma, I can't feel my hands, can you hold me and make me warm again?". So I did, then he'd storm off for more dirty fun.


Andrea said...

Wa-hoo!!! You did it! And you did a great job at your update- honestly Kara, Kade is so stinkin' cute- I love his hat, the hat pic of you two is my fav- loves, annie

Krissa said...

Cute pictures! I'm glad you guys had fun. Kade is adorable!!!